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Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Presentation of Christ in the Temple
by SPCK - Ian Black
Presentation of Christ in the Temple – Years A, B and C (2 February, or the Sunday falling between 28 January and 3 February) Lord of hosts We praise your holy name. Lord, your faithful servants Simeon and Anna watched in hope for the fulfilment of your promises. Give to the Chur
OPening words based on Psalm 145
OPening words based on Psalm 145
by Michaela Youngson
Ordinary 32 Year C Opening Words or Prayer of Praise based on Psalm 145. 1- 5 17 – 21 We will extol you, our God, AND BLESS YOUR NAME FOREVER Every day we will bless you, AND PRAISE YOUR NAME FOREVER Great is God, and greatly to be praised; God’s greatness is beyond our understan
Praise our creator
Praise our creator
by Michaela Youngson
First Published in The Weaver, The Word and Wisdom Praise our Creator Prayer of Adoration Creator God, maker of all that is, we offer you our praise: Heaven and earth are full of your glory. You brought light out of darkness, day for our fulfilment and night for our rest: Heaven
Breaking Bread in a Noisy City -Eucharistic Prayer
Breaking Bread in a Noisy City -Eucharistic Prayer
by Chris Shannahan
Breaking Bread in a Noisy City is a Eucharistic Prayer that emerged from living and working in inner city Birmingham. It draws on the life and images of the city to prepare congregatins to share in Holy Communion. L: On the streets of our city E: GOD IS FOUND EACH DAY. L: To
Our responsibility
Our responsibility
by Marjorie Dobson
A prayer for wisdom in our response to government, national and local. Suitable for the period before an election. This item will download as 30031005108629.doc Extract: Another banner headline screams out against politicians, local or national, and we unite against the common en
Christmas is a family time
Christmas is a family time
by Marjorie Dobson
A prayer for those who find Christmas a difficult time because they have no family, or little family contact. (This liturgy can be incorporated into an ordinary act of worship during the pre-Christmas or Christmas season. It could be used with several voices. Parts of it may be o
Prayer of Adoration for the Trinity
Prayer of Adoration for the Trinity
by Jonathan Miller
This is a prayer and three prayers, written to go with the Holy Trinity paintings I painted. The language is odd but it is supposed to make you stop and think. You may love it, you may hate it but please think why do you feel this way? "Pumzi, Spirit, your name is a verb. You are
Living Liturgies | Transition time resources for services, prayer and conversation with older people - Living Liturgies - Introduction
Living Liturgies | Transition time resources for services, prayer and conversation with older people - Living Liturgies - Introduction
by BRF - Caroline George
Introduction to Living Liturgies | Transition time resources for services, prayer and conversation with older people A creative and original book of liturgies and reflections for use in worship and also pastoral ministry with older people, who are moving from the 'third age' to t
Living Liturgies | Transition time resources for services, prayer and conversation with older people - Curtains | Living Liturgies